The Myth of the Big Thing (Notes from the field)

Shortly after I began career counseling, with the intent of helping people create a deeper, more satisfying direction in their work lives, I noticed a pattern. My clients were not expecting the need for anything beyond a bit of career testing, my expert advise and a new resume. The need for a transition process had not occurred to them.

Collaborative Approach to Divorce Empowers Stay-at-Home Spouse Re-Entering the Workplace

Increasingly in recent years, couples seeking an amicable divorce have chosen mediation as a way to avoid a nasty escalation into an expensive, attorney driven legal battle. This works for many families. However, anecdotal research shows that other folks still want more than a neutral mediator; an advocate in their corner.

What is Social Entrepreneurism?

Career counseling clients looking to work for a values/community-based organization and earn a decent living are often stumped. They think they must choose between a non-profit whose mission they believe in and not make any money, or sell out their values to earn a better wage. When I’ve asked folks over the past few months if they knew about social entrepreneurism, a hybrid of business and non-profit zeal for social, economic and environmental change, all but one said “no.”

Exploring is not Deciding Part III: A Path Emerges as You Arrive and Connect with Care and Interest

All of a sudden, you’re clearer about your best career ideas and choices. Your exploratory process is starting to pay off. You’re beginning to feel good about the options and possibilities you’ve created. Even though there are questions still, enough is figured out that there are plausible steps to take for weeks, and hope is running high.