Journal Exercises & Career Testing

Journal Exercises for Career Development

The Noticing Exercise

Life Interests by Decade, a Journal Exercise

The Work Family History Tree Exercise

Identify Your Work Setting Preferences

Values Clarification Card Sort

Your deeper values provide useful guidance during a life and career transition, when many things are up in the air. Take time to reflect with this values card sort as you consider what is important now. Once you’ve printed the pages and cut out the cards, arrange in piles according to your preference and priority. Think about your definition of these values and add your own additional values, if you like. When we meet next we’ll talk about your top ten or fifteen most important and current values.

Values Clarification Card Sort

Skills Exercise

To begin this exercise, more direction is included once opened, consider meaningful accomplishments important to you and not necessarily recognized by others. You’ll have a chance to think about the skills used during these accomplishments and highlight the ones that were satisfying to use.

Skills Exercise